Dit du kom fra (Where you came from) is a theatre play made by the Oslo-based theatre company Øyteateret (http://oyteateret.com/). I helped in the creative process and was writing the manuscript for the play. "Dit du kom fra" is an odyssey from the real world. It is a play about becoming oneself through one's experiences. It is based on the true story of Amin, who plays himself in the theatre play, and his journey from Afghanistan to Norway, which he did two times, as he was shipped back on the first arrival. The play was shown to pupils at secondary schools in Oslo in the spring of 2015.
Dit du kom fra:
" Stadig spør jeg meg selv: Hvem stjal Afghanistan? Dette spørsmålet er det eneste som sitter igjen av alle tankene som suste i hodet mitt da jeg bar meg selv sørover fra Kabul og videre over Kandahar til jeg nå står i skumringa foran døra til mine foreldres hus i Pakistan to hunder står bak meg De hadde fulgt etter meg i mørket "